Thursday, 22 November 2012

Digital Book Trailers

This is a project the Grade Sevens undertook in library and I'm so excited to share a few of the final products on the blog today. Book reviews form a big part of our library curriculum, learners practice creating blurbs for books they've read using elements that publishers would use in order to create an interest in reading the book. Learners also learn that it's OK to give an honest opinion about a book they've read. 

By the time Grade Seven comes around, book reviews can begin to feel a bit like a chore. So, we shook up the concept of a book review by deciding to create digital book trailers. The Grade Sevens worked in groups. They made a unanimous decision about which book they were going to "advertise". They then created a storyboard. Over the course of the following lessons, they used Windows Movie Maker to create a trailer. The Grade Sevens also learnt a little about copyright and borrowing images from websites. They were given the instruction to include credits to where they found images on the web. The music they used was from copyright free sites. This project took a little while to complete but I was completely amazed by how creative the Grade Sevens got. I was so proud of them after watching their completed trailers. Library also became a fun session, I was often greeted at the door by eager faces asking if they were going to work on their trailers during their lesson. 

Below is one really excellent trailer from each class. Well done to every Grade Seven pupil though on the effort they put into their trailers.
The Enemy  Created by Matt B and Kieran C (7Du)

Spud   Created by Tristan, Vito, Morgan and Josh (7Ke)
Twilight   Created by Jade, Leah and Rhiannon (7Nu)
The Hunger Games   Created by James B and Gabriel (7Sk)

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