Thursday, 31 May 2012

The Author Writes a Books

On a Friday morning the Sunbirdies visit the library to listen to stories and choose a book to take back to their class with them. They have also been learning all about books and the library. Here are Stella's class singing a song about what an author does....

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Book Reviews #7

Are you wondering what to read next? Well, maybe after reading the reviews below you may be interested in reading one the these interesting books...

Iggie's House by Judy Blume
Reviewed by Safiya M in Grade 3 La

Winnie's best friend, Iggie, moves to Tokyo. The neighbourhood will never be the same again and Winnie is miserable. Then the first coloured people in the area move into Iggie's house. At first Winnie is shy and thinks that they may be different. The Garber family are lonely because there are many racist people who don't want to accept them. Winnie does and soon becomes best friends with Tina Garber. 

Safiya said: " I liked this story because after apartheid in this county Winnie's story is a good lesson to all the children who want to make a rainbow nation."
Lionboy by Zizou Corder
Reviewed by Cleopatra K in Grade 6 Wi

Charlie Ashanti is the son of Professor Magladen Start and Dr. Aneba Shanti. And he can speak cat. When Charlie's parents get kidnapped, it's up to Charlie to save them. When Rafi Sadler tries to kidnap Charlie, he hops aboard a ship which leads onto a circus ship called the Cire. Along with the jelp of six lions, Charlie has to save his parents. 

Cleo says " I thought it was brilliant. I love the cub called Elsina as well. She is so cute (that's how she was described in the story)."

My Sister the Vampire by Sienna Mercer
Reviewed by Caitlin H in Grade 6 La

This book is about a teenage girl who goes to a new school. Somehow she bumps into a girl that looks just like her. They both discover they are actually adopted. Are Ivy and Olivia twins? Find out for yourself.

Caitlin says: "I really like the book because when they meet Ivy says they should switch so Olivia could help Ivy by going to a meeting dressed like her. Ivy then goes to Olivia's cheer leading practice. This book is cool and funny and I hope you enjoy it too." 

Sun Valley Primary Grandparents Rocks!

Last Thursday was Grandparents' Day at our school and the library had a book donation table in the foyer. We've decided that Sun Valley Primary has the best grandparents because they donated over 130 wonderful new books to our school library. Miss Saaiman and Aunty M are working hard to make sure that these new books are accessed and ready to take out as soon as possible. And remember, if your grandparent donated a book you'll be the first person to read it!

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Library Displays

Aunty M is a display whizz. She always comes up with the most creative displays. Below are some pictures of the displays currently up in the library. The army display has real bullet shells on show! And don't you like the parachuting men?

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Story Time: The Gruffalo

This is the first in what we hope is a long series here on our school's library blog, online story time. Every so often we will post stories read by our learners. The story below is The Gruffalo, written by Julia Donaldson and read by three of our regular book club members; Hannah, McKenna and Indigo (who managed to contain their giggles long enough to be recorded). Enjoy!