Every Wednesday the Bloggers Book Club get together to talk books in the library. Miss Saaiman thinks they have great taste in books and write stunning reviews! If you're interested in joining, be sure to come to the library straight after school on a Wednesday. Bloggers are allowed to take out six books! Plus, they get first choice if any new books come into the library. And every so often they snacks (yes, that's right they get to eat in the library!) Here are the latest reviews by some of our blogging team....
A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket
Reviewed by Courtney B in Grade 7
Courtney says: I like this book because it is full of mystery and always takes an unexpected turn. When I finished this book I could not wait to read the next book. I recommend this book to people that have a love for mysteries and like the thrill of a good book.
Reviewed by Caitlin L in Grade 7
Em, the main character of this book is an overweight young girl trying to deal with the laughing and teasing of her fellow classmates but everything's OK because she has the best dad in world who she unfortunately has to share with her winning brother and bossy little sister. But when Christmas arrives everyone is certain it's going to be the best Christmas ever...until dad decided to clear off for another women. Nobody in the household ever expected that and they are all heart broken, all except gran that is. Maybe Gran is right. Could this really be a chance for a clean break? Surely not!
Caitlin says: This book is truly magnificent. It brings out a lot of issues that many young girls have to deal with. It's not a heavy story so its perfect for all readers.
Reviewed by Theo C in Grade 2
The story is about a boy named Tom who has to fight a beast called Trillion,the three headed lion. Another beast named Tagus, the horse man, helped Tom with the fight. When Tom killed Trillion he got golden boots that gave him strength and power.
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